The Eco-Maniacs Newsletter June 2019

As the sun began to set, and the gates of the Philadelphia Zoo began to close, locking the hundreds of animals in their sanctuaries, one gate remained unlocked and open, ready to welcome the incoming guests of that night.

The Eco-Maniacs entered the gates with their sleeping bags, pillows and bags in their hands, ready to begin their nighttime adventure and their march towards, what would be their home for the night, the Tree house. Already nostalgic to some of the members, the Eco-Maniacs started their adventure, and like nocturnal animals, they began their walk in the closed Zoo, strolling through the zoo and keeping their eyes open for any animals.

The members entered the doors of the Small Animals and Reptile Enclosures, viewing such extraordinary and wondrous animals such as, Bubba, the Galapagos Turtle, and Pygmy Marmosets, the smallest monkeys in the world. Even catching a glimpse of the sloth in action and an aardvark and meerkat feeding.

Soon later, the members returned to the tree house to watch a presentation of several zoo animals, play a game of trivia and enjoy a nighttime snack of zoo-themed animal crackers. Then, the members began another part of their adventure, entering the nighttime darkness and beginning a night hike around the zoo, looking at zebras who paced back and forth in their enclosure and even catching a glimpse of a wolf who continued to mark its territory with it recognizable musk.

After they had finally finished their nighttime errands, the members gathered, finally choosing their places for the night and falling asleep in their sleeping bags, gazing at the lights that decorated the ceiling of the atmospheric Treehouse, ready for even more adventures that lay ahead in the morning.